Home Health Surgical Menopause: All You Need to Know

Surgical Menopause: All You Need to Know

Surgical Menopause

Surgical menopause is an under-the-knife procedure that pushes a woman to reach her menopause, rather than naturally going through it. In surgical menopause, the ovaries of a woman are removed, and this, in medical terms, is known as oophorectomy.

The ovaries are the primary source for the production of estrogen in a female body. So, the removal of the ovaries means immediate menopause, regardless of age. Generally, ovary removal is a stand-alone procedure; it is sometimes performed with a hysterectomy to significantly lower the risk of developing any chronic disease.

Benefits of a Surgical Menopause

For some women, the procedure of unnatural menopause can be lifesaving. Some cancer types, such as ovarian cancer, thrive on the estrogen hormones in the female body. Women with a family history of ovarian cancer fall under the high-risk category, as their genes cannot suppress the tumor’s growth. So, they may consider undergoing this procedure to minimize the lifetime risk.


Ovarian cancer develops in one or both ovaries. The most common physical sign of ovarian cancer is a lump in one or both ovaries, but the lump can be felt generally in the advanced stage of the tumor. Besides, the other warning signs are vague, often related to many other female health issues, including abdominal pain, frequent urge to unrate, heartburn, fatigue, etc. If you belong to the high-risk category and exhibiting a few of these symptoms, consult your doctor right away.

They may advise you to take the ELISA kit test for the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer. It detects the levels of CA-125 in the blood; if it is abnormally on the higher side, you may have ovarian cancer.

Side Effects of a Surgical Menopause

Surgical Menopause

Like Any Other Surgical Procedure, There Are a Couple of Side Effects From Surgical Menopause; These Include the Following:-

  • Loss of bone density
  • Infertility
  • Low Libido
  • Vaginal dryness

Managing Surgical Menopause Symptoms

The surgical method of menopause also causes hormonal imbalance in the female body. Both the ovaries and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. So, when both the ovaries have been removed, the adrenal gland cannot produce enough hormones to maintain the balance.

Therefore, doctors recommend their patient’s hormone replacement therapy after the surgical menopause procedure. However, the doctor won’t give you external estrogen hormones; if you have a family history of breast cancer.

Apart From These, Other Tips to Relieve the Symptoms of Surgical Menopause Are as Follows:-

  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid having spicy foods.
  • Limit the intake of alcohol.
  • Make your room cool and well ventilated.
  • Do a regular exercise of half an hour daily.
  • Try mediation.


Whether or not to undergo the surgical menopause procedure depends upon your health condition. If your doctor thinks removing the ovaries is important to save your life, then all the side effects associated with it can easily be overlooked. It is advisable to discuss all the short and term side effects with your doctor.

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