A Guide To Increasing Your Longevity


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Longevity, in simple terms, refers to the average time a person lives according to certain demographic factors. In the United States, life expectancy is currently 77 years. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t live longer! Most of us dream of living a healthy, happy, long life. One in which we have enough vitality to enjoy our daily activities, be able to travel, and have fun with our loved ones… For many, however, those plans are hard to carry out due to mental and physical health problems. That’s why, if your goal is to live longer, you should start making some changes in your routine.

I always dreamed of having grandchildren and spending my afternoons playing catch with them, or going on road trips with my partner when I no longer had any work responsibilities. However, something that was always in the back of my mind was the fact that several family members had died of cancer in their 40s and 50s. I was scared I would inherit that disease, so I started looking for ways I could reduce my chances of getting it. And, I also started taking small actions in my daily life to improve my longevity. Today, I like to share with you my guide to improving your longevity.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is, literally, your body’s way of repairing itself. For example, muscle and organ repair, and even the rewiring of the connections in the brain happen while we sleep. That’s why getting a good night’s sleep plays such an important role in improving your longevity. In fact, a study showed that sleeping less than seven hours per night was associated with an increased risk of all-cause death. However, sleeping seven hours straight sounds easier than it actually is. I, for example, am a very light sleeper, and any little noise at night usually wakes me up. It is then very hard for me to fall back asleep. But I’ve started implementing little habits that help me sleep more soundly and make it easier to fall back asleep.

I started meditating before going to bed, which helped me feel more relaxed and fall asleep easier. If I wake during the night I meditate for a few minutes and then I’m dreaming in no time. I also like to drink some chamomile tea about an hour before going to bed, and read a book instead of endlessly checking my social media.

Exercise Daily

Did you know there’s a study that showed that people who exercise for around 3 hours a week had DNA and cells that were nine years younger than non-exercisers? 3 hours a week is about  only 30 minutes a day! I promise you, exercising daily will not only improve your longevity but also your quality of life in many ways. You will feel more energetic, more relaxed, and, overall, happier.

My tip for including exercise in your daily routine is to find an activity you enjoy. You won’t become a professional athlete, there’s no need to. If you enjoy nature, maybe include a daily walk around the park. Find if there are recreational basketball or soccer teams in your area and join them. Check out your local swimming pool and do a few laps everyday. It won’t feel like work if you’re actually enjoying it!

Invest in a Longevity Program

In my opinion, longevity programs are the best way to increase your life expectancy. These programs usually consist of comprehensive health check-ups, genetic and physical tests, and personalized recommended actions to improve your overall health. In my case, I was particularly worried about breast cancer –which is more common than you’d think–. Luckily, the program that I chose, David Drew Longevity Program, tests for this regularly. If you’re considering getting involved in a longevity program, I recommend you think about it as a life-long investment. You can check out David Drew Clinic costs and choose the best option for you.

Eat a Balanced Diet

My last tip is probably the most obvious one, but also one that often gets overlooked. Eating healthy can mean a lot of things. I personally have found that strict diets don’t work for me, and the key to staying healthy is not to restrict myself, but eating in a more balanced way. For example, I try to eat vegetables every day and reduce red meat intake as much as I can (studies show that plant-based diets have positive effects on chronic diseases and overall health). However, if I’m craving something greasier, it’s okay to indulge every now and then. At the end of the day, the most important thing is for your eating habits to be sustainable over time.

Living longer can be up to you. Sleeping better, eating healthier, and exercising regularly are just some examples of things you can do in your everyday life to increase your life expectancy. However, if you’re serious about wanting to live longer and healthier, getting involved in a longevity program can give you the boost you need to achieve your goal.

Do you have any questions about longevity programs or how to live longer? Please let us know in the comments below.

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