Colon Cancer: How to Prevent From Developing & Early Diagnosis


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The colon cancer is the most frequently diagnosed in Spain if cases added in men and women, with 45,000 new cases in 2019.

This time has jumped into the fray by the death, on 9 June, on the singer Pau Donés (53 years old) and writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón (55 years old), this Friday, June 19. In both, the cause of death was this disease.

This type of disease is more common between 50 and 70 years, and about 80% diagnosed early, increasing the chances of cure.

The truth is that there are cases in younger people. And although the reason for these cases is not yet known.  José Ignacio Martín Valadés, head of the MDAnderson Madrid Digestive Tumors Unit, ventures that colon cancer, like Most diseases, can be associated with healthy lifestyle habits.

The Mediterranean diet and the type of food lost over the years and, sometimes, it is young people who least comply with life habits.

What Lifestyle Can Prevent Colon Cancer From Developing?

healthy diet

40% of cancers prevented by adopting lifestyle habits; however, for its prevention, it is not enough to embrace these beneficial habits.

But other risk factors taken into account, such as family predisposition. A single cause never causes cancer.

So It Is Advisable:

Eating a healthy diet, in which the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes prevails, reducing almost wholly the intake of red meat and eliminating processed meats.

  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not consume alcohol.
  • Perform physical exercise.
  • Keep a healthy weight.

The first symptoms of colon cancer are benign polyps that are usually not symptomatic. When appear, sure signs alert you to the appearance of disease and depend on location along colon or rectum. We must not forget that these symptoms are also common to other conditions:

  • abdominal pain.
  • Bleeding in the stool.
  • Alteration in the internal rhythm.
  • The appearance of anemia in a routine blood test.
  • Weight-loss.

Given these symptoms, it is essential to consult with the primary care physician so that he can refer the patient to a specialist or perform tests for early diagnosis if he sees fit.

The Importance Of Early Diagnosis

According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer. Colon cancer is one of the easiest to treat with early diagnosis, and for this, there are two initial detection tests.

The first would be the fecal occult blood test (TSOH), which  indicated by the family doctor and performed every two years between the ages of 50 and 69.

If this is positive, a colonoscopy stated, a second early detection test, to see if there are polyps.

“If they are detected, the evolution of the polyp to the tumor avoided, and they can be removed directly with the colonoscopy,” says Martín.

From the age of 50, you can access the colon cancer screening program. So which includes these two tests, in Spain, to detect the disease early, detect, and to treat it.

“The primary care physician will direct the patient. The symptoms are very nonspecific, and in a specific case, the alarm can always arise.

But it is much more essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle.  And also perform screening for the disease with the fecal occult blood test, “says Martín.

Despite the frequency of colon cancer, Martín has wanted to give a message of hope.

Since cure rates are increasingly higher thanks to the treatment in which various specialists – surgeons, radiotherapists, and medical oncologists. And also even collaborate in patients with the most advanced cancer.

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