Cleaning Vs Disinfecting/Sanitizing: What’s The Difference?


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The best way to prevent bacteria and other viral respiratory infections from spreading is by routinely disinfecting/sanitizing and cleaning surfaces. According to scientific research, viruses and bacteria can stay on surfaces for hours and up to days. To get rid of germs and bacteria effectively, it’s important to know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting/sanitizing, as these terms are not interchangeable.

Cleaning is getting the dirt out. On the other hand, sanitizing is commonly used in public health to reach a certain level of bacteria; 95% is killed in most cases. Disinfection refers to killing everything. This is where you need to aim.

Understanding the differences between cleaning and disinfecting is important in safeguarding your health and that of your family or employees. Here is an in-depth look into the subject.

Cleaning vs Disinfection/Sanitizing


This refers to the removal of germs, impurities and germs from surfaces. However, it does not kill germs. Although by removing them, it reduces the risks of spreading further infections.

Cleaning refers to the mechanical removal of contaminants that are visible such as soils, among others. Cleaning involves water, soap and enzymic detergents, and cleaning machines or hand scrubbing. You can see cleaning to be an effective infection control procedure. As mentioned above, cleaning does not kill germs. Instead, it just reduces the microbial population.

Using ultrasonic cleaners with detergents can succeed in removing fine particles from surfaces. It is also beneficial as it is time-saving and safe. However, thorough you clean, it’s not enough to ensure you’ve gotten rid of micro-organisms.


This refers to the use of chemicals to kill germs. Most of these chemicals remain Environmental Protection Agency-registered disinfectants. Disinfection service does not only kill germs on the surface once you clean. It also lowers the risk of infection spreading further.

Disinfectants remain often bought in concentrated form and need to be mixed with water to get a strong solution that will be effective. Most disinfectants don’t work well on dirt. Therefore, its important to clean first before disinfecting. Some disinfectants are designed for a specific use such as disinfecting instruments or certain surfaces. Therefore, you must make yourself familiar with the label information.

Some disinfectants are known to be corrosive. Make sure you choose one that is appropriate for items that you want to disinfect.

How To Clean And Disinfect Surfaces

  • Ensure you put on disposable gloves
  • Before using a disinfectant, clean the surface with soap and water.
  • While using disinfectants registered with the EPA, ensure you carefully follow the instructions on the label for safety purposes and use the product effectively.
  • We recommend doing regular cleaning and disinfection. However, this will depend on the level of use.
  • Objects and surfaces located in public places must remain cleaned and disinfected before use.

Where are Germs Found?

We interact with germs in our daily lives. Although some of them are helpful, most of them are harmful and they cause diseases. Germs are found almost everywhere; soil, air and water. Germs are also found on our skin and sometimes in our bodies. They can also remain found on objects and surfaces that we touch.

At times, these germs can spread to us and make us sick. For instance, there are germs on tv remotes. The germs can affect you when you touch the tv remote then later rub your nose or eyes or eat food with your hands.

How to Safely Clean And Disinfect

It’s crucial to stay safe while using cleaning and disinfecting products.

  • Always store them in containers you bought them in. ensure you follow instructions and note the warnings on the label.
  • Avoid mixing disinfectants and cleaners unless the instructions on the label say it’s safe to do so. When you combine certain products like ammonia cleaner and chlorine bleach, it may result in injury and death in some cases.
  • Always check the label to be certain whether you need to use protective hand gloves to protect your eyes or hands while using these products.
  • If you inhale, swallow, get these products in contact with your skin, get medical help, or follow directions indicated on the label.
  • Always store cleaning and disinfecting products where children can’t reach.

It’s important to sanitize your home or business place to protect yourself from harmful diseases. For E-clean Pro disinfecting and sanitizing services and professional disinfecting service, be sure to check out Excel Pest Services.

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