Fruits And Vegetables That Contain Protein


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Fruits And Vegetables That Comprise Protein

Eating some fruits and vegetables can help supplement your daily protein intake. Are they enough to obtain this nutrient? Which is the most recommended? Find out!

Fruits, greens, and vegetables are not the primary sources of protein in the diet. However, some contribute to obtaining optimal doses of this nutrient, especially in the context of a healthy and varied diet.

On the other hand, its consumption contributes to obtaining vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Also, they contain water and make a significant contribution of carbohydrates. Are you interested in knowing them?

Fruits And Vegetables Contain Protein Discussed In Detail Below

Fruits That Stand Out For Their Protein Content

Within all, healthy and varied eating plans, it is necessary to incorporate fruits.

Specifically, its beneficial properties are due to its contribution to plant nutrients, which have various effects on the body.

In turn, the general recommendation is to consume around 3 pieces a day, in different colors.

Dried Figs

As it is dried fruit, it contains a slightly higher amount of carbohydrates and proteins than fresh ones. The same goes for apricots or dried plums.

In particular, dried figs have 3.3 grams of protein for every 100 delicious servings.

Although some prefer to exclude them from the diet due to the proportion of sugar they have, they not considered a bad option for health.

On the contrary, they can be used to sweeten yogurts, sweets, or mueslis without using table sugar.


Next on the list of fruits with the most protein is coconut. Every 100 grams provides up to 3 grams of protein, which can be considered high for a fruit.

This is the amount we find in the flesh of the coconut, but not in the water or milk.

In addition to representing a proper protein intake, its possible health effects have studied in recent years.

For example, the fiber found in the pulp given antibacterial, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut pulp contains up to 3 grams of protein in a 100-gram serving. This amount considered significant because it is fruit.

Passion Fruit

Also known as “passion fruit.” It is of tropical origin and is considered a fruit with an impressive contribution of protein; to be exact, the 100-gram portions concentrate about 2.2 grams of the said nutrient.

Its size is small, and it presents very varied colors; however, yellow and purple are the most common.

In general, the center of the fruit is used, which is juicy, smooth, and full of small seeds.


This fruit is almost unique within the food group of fruits, since, unlike the rest, it has a high contribution of lipids.

The amount of protein it provides is 2 grams per 100 of the edible part.

Also, due to its content of monounsaturated fats, it has some health benefits such as the following:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Less risk of inflammation and associated disorders.
  • Weight control support.
  • Reduction of premature aging.

Aside from being one of the foods with the highest content of healthy fats, avocado contains protein.


The black currant plant used in its entirety for different therapeutic purposes, from the leaves to the seeds to make oil.

Gradually, it is more common to find fresh currants on the market, along with other berries such as raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries.

By consuming 100 grams of currants, it is possible to obtain up to 1.4 grams of protein. They can add to yogurt, ice cream, breakfast cereals, and even salads.

Vegetables With More Protein

To complement the diet, you should not miss vegetables and vegetables that contain protein.

These, among other things, provide water and fiber that contributes to good digestive health. Besides, they are versatile foods that included in daily dishes.

Brussels Sprouts

This is one of the vegetables with the highest amount of protein, as it provides around 3.5 grams per 100 of fresh product.

But its properties are not limited there; It also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances that benefit health in many ways.


Perhaps it is not true that spinach helps to have strong muscles as if by magic. Despite this, 100 grams of the fresh vegetable contains 2.86 grams of protein added to those provided by other foods.

It also concentrates antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which stand out for their ability to protect the eyes from damage caused by the sun’s rays.

They could even help prevent macular degeneration or cataracts.


This food, from the cruciferous family, occupies the same place on the list as spinach since 100 grams of raw vegetables also have 2.86 of protein.

It noted that all of the same group studied for having multiple benefits in general health.

Broccoli also stands out for its amount of vitamin C, difficult to find among vegetables. When accompanied by plant foods that contain iron, it helps improve its absorption.

Broccoli contains proteins, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds associated with disease prevention.


An estimated 2.2 grams of protein found in 100 grams of raw asparagus. It also provides vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and antioxidants that help promote well-being.

One of the benefits attributed to it is its ability to reduce blood pressure, a health problem that affects a large number of people today.

Are Fruits And Vegetables Rich In Protein?

When it comes to foods that provide protein, the ones mentioned are not the highest on the list.

The primary sources are those of animal origin, such as meat, fish, or eggs that provide all the essential amino acids.

There are also vegetable options that have an excellent contribution to this nutrient. Some examples are the following:
Legumes, such as chickpeas or lentils.

  • Tofu.
  • The tempeh.
  • Quinoa.

In recent years, a greater consumption of the latter promoted due to its possible benefits for health and the environment.

In this case, it recommended to opt for legumes, nuts, and soy derivatives and keep in mind that fruits, vegetables, and vegetables with proteins serve to complement them.

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