Recommended Diet For Patients With Heart Failure


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There is a recommended diet for patients with heart failure.

Heart failure patients should take care of their diet. Although a nutritionist should do the food, there are some general recommendations. In this space, we detail them.

People suffering from this pathology must take special care of their diet.

In this way, they will be able to prevent the progression of the disease and its possible complications.

It is important to remember that cardiovascular accidents are one of the leading causes of death in developed countries.

However, making lifestyle changes can help reduce risks. In this opportunity, we are going to share some recommendations to improve what is associated with food.

Low-Calorie Recommended Diet For Heart Failure

Low-Calorie Recommended Diet For Heart Failure

One of the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases is being overweight. This association reflected in a review published in the journal Circulation Research.

A diet that manages to reduce the caloric intake concerning the expense will be adequate for patients with heart failure since it allows them to manage the disease better.

Based on this, intermittent fasting protocols used to support a diet whose objective is to reduce the risk of developing this type of pathology.

Coinciding with research published in the journal Future Cardiology, calorie restriction is definite in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular accidents.  Although more studies are needed to verify this relationship.

Although there are more or less efficient feeding models in the treatment of these diseases, it is clear that obesity is an aggravating factor concerning them.

Caloric restriction is a useful measure to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, especially in patients with obesity.

Limit Salt Intake

Excessive sodium intake can aggravate hypertension processes.

A review published in the journal Nutrients exposes that excessive consumption of salt is capable of generating a reduction in the elasticity of blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure.

Monitoring heart salt and sodium intake are essential in patients with heart failure to reduce the risk of acute episodes of the disease.

In turn, the contribution of potassium is positive since it serves to offset the hypertensive effects of sodium. This mineral can be found, above all, in fruits and vegetables.

Control Trans Fat Intake

One of the main enemies of heart failure patients is trans- type fats. These lipids have an inflammatory character and associated with chronic diseases.

As research published in the journal, BMJ points out, they are capable of increasing the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular pathologies.

Therefore, it is essential to limit your consumption to ensure good health.

The type of lipids trans in abundant amounts in food ultra-processed. They generated from the frying of vegetable oils at high temperatures, and within the industry, they  used to improve the palatability of products.

Reducing the presence of food with this type of fat will improve health by reducing the state of inflammation and body weight.

It is necessary to consider that the ultra-processed ones contain a high amount of empty calories, which can generate overweight when introduced into the usual diet.

Therefore, it recommended that the diet based on fresh products, such as fruits, vegetables, and functional quality proteins.

In addition to this, it is convenient to limit the intake of industrial and high carbohydrate food.

Trans fats  associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, its consumption should  limited as much as possible.

Improving Recommended Diet Helps Heart Failure Patients

Changing life habits are positive in the prevention and management of many diseases.

The diet for patients with heart failure must limit the intake of certain nutrients that are negative for the body.

It recommended to restrict the consumption of trans fats and adopt a plan to maintain a healthy weight.

Also, to the extent possible, it is best to decrease caloric intake with methods such as intermittent fasting. Click here for more on this:

Finally, it is worth remembering that you should avoid any dose of alcoholic beverages.

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