Tips for Having a Successful Intervention


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When a loved one is struggling with addiction behavior, a heart-to-heart conversation can be the beginning of their recovery. Unfortunately, many people do not realize they are addicted or don’t want to acknowledge it. As a family, you have to work together to convince the person that they have an addiction problem and persuade them to get help. An intervention might be the nudge the person needs to know it is time to get help. You can then seek help in luxury treatment centers to ensure your loved one reclaims their life. However, not all interventions work. However, how you do it might make all the difference. Here is how your intervention should be if you want it to be successful.

How to Plan an Intervention

When planning an intervention, make sure you consult the following steps.

  • Plan

You will need to propose an intervention to your family or friends. Consult a professional to help you organize an effective one. An intervention can cause anger, feeling of betrayal, and resentment. So, know how to go about it.

  • Get Information

Learn about the addiction of your loved one and its extent. Research the condition and treatment options.

  • Create the Team

You will need to know who will participate in the intervention. Choose people close to the alcoholic loved one. Rehearse and know the things you will say during the intervention. Do not let the person know until the time of intervention.

  • Make Impact Statements

Every person in the intervention should prepare something to say about the addict. The statement should be personal, indicating how the person’s addiction has harmed the people who love them.

  • Decide Consequences

Be prepared in the event your loved one refuses to get help. Set some consequences and the actions you will take.

  • Hold the Meeting

After the preparation, hold the meeting. Ensure your loved one is there and give every person a chance to express their concerns and feelings.

  • Follow Up

After concluding, follow up and check if the person still holds the same ground.

Things Not to Do in an Intervention

If you want your intervention to be successful, you need to know what it should contain. According to experts, an intervention should not be angry, ambush, shameful, coercive, or cruel. Everything you do during the meeting should be based on honesty, love, and support. So, avoid doing the following things.

  • Labelling the person as an alcoholic or addict.
  • Letting emotions control you during the intervention.
  • Bringing too many people to the intervention. Bring the people who are close to the addict. It could be close family members or a friend.
  • Holding the meeting when your loved one is intoxicated. If they are drunk at the time the meeting is supposed to happen, wait until they are sober again.

Final Thoughts!

An intervention is all about showing an alcoholic loved one the impact of their behavior on the people who love them and convincing them to get help. There is a 90% chance your intervention will be successful. However, you need to observe the things mentioned above. An intervention is not about shaming the person or venting about their past mistakes. It is about showing love and getting the person to accept treatment.

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