Delta-8 THC: Why Experts Are Concerned?


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In recent years, delta-8 has made headlines. Google searches for this term increased by over 850 percent in the United States, especially in states that legalize recreational marijuana. Delta-8 is also used by 16 percent of regular users, according to a recent study.

There is no doubt that cannabis is the next big thing. A gentler, and perhaps even more important, legal high that provides relaxation and pain relief without any anxiety or fuzzy-headedness.

Delta-8 has been found to be potentially dangerous and has caused thousands of accidental poisonings, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.

Are regulators being too cautious, or are cannabis advocates getting too excited? It all depends on the actual contents of a delta-8-labeled product.

Early research suggests that delta-8 may cause milder effects than traditional marijuana. The drug is not regulated so most delta-8 products aren’t comparable to what was tested in a laboratory. They can also be contaminated by other cannabinoids or heavy metals.

What is Delta 8 THC?

Technically, the term delta-8 refers to delta-8-THC, which is the THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.

Cannabis plants contain delta-9-THC, which is the most common form of THC. Chemically, it is similar to delta-8-THC. Because of their similarity, delta-8 and Delta-9 behave very similarly in the human body. They bind to the same brain receptors, especially the CB1 receptor. This receptor is responsible for the high that you get when you smoke a joint or chew a weed gummy. Click here to know more about the Delta 8 THC,

Is Delt 8 legal?

Delta-8 is a popular choice for its milder high. Its legal status is the other.

The 2018 Farm Bill made hemp legal, and Delta-8 was born. Both hemp and marijuana can be used as cannabis plants. However, marijuana has delta-9-THC while hemp does not. Consider marijuana and hemp as two types of tomatoes. If one tomato is your favorite, you could get high from the other.

The Farm Bill stipulated that hemp could legally be grown as long as it contained less THC than 0.3%. Kent Vrana, Penn State’s professor of pharmacology, stated that the bill’s authors made a mistake. They specifically defined THC as delta-9-THC. This is still federally illegal. A market was created for delta-8 after this definition.

Although delta-8-THC can be detected in small amounts in marijuana and hemp plants, manufacturers have found a way to make it from CBD, a third prominent chemical in cannabis plants. They claim that CBD is found in high quantities in hemp plants. Check ATLRx to know more about the Delta 8 THC legality.

These manufacturers argue that you can extract CBD hemp, and CBD does not contain THC, so it’s still hemp. Also, delta-8 is legally hemp but chemically THC.

It is common to add manufactured delta-8-THC to vape cartridges or gummies. These products can be legally sold online and in retail stores. The products are not regulated so the label may differ from the actual package. This includes the amount of delta-8-THC and any other unanticipated ingredients like delta-9.

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