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5 Tips To Beat Insomnia And Sleep Better


Tips to beat insomnia and sleep better, countless factors like stress and bad eating habits can lead to troubled sleep, which in turn drives down your quality of life before you even know it. Some several negative effects include bad moods, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating. Here we recommend you a herbal remedy known as Kava. You can also buy kava online to receive it sooner. It has components that might help you to relax physically and sleep better.
Additionally, there are a few other considerations that you should bear in mind for better sleep:

Is Your Mattress the Cause of Your Troubles

It may surprise you but if you have trouble sleeping, it might be because you’re using a mattress that isn’t right for you. You can visit Real Simple and many other sleep blogs to find out how this happens, but the long and short of the matter is that every mattress type is for different people.

You can’t be accustomed to medium-firm mattresses and have a good night’s sleep on one that’s soft. You can’t be a side sleeper and it is on a mattress that’s meant for people who sleep on their back.

If you suspect that your mattress might be the cause of all your problems, look into changing it if you can.

Daylight Exposure

It may seem odd at first, but daylight actually can help you sleep better at night. Our body’s natural clock – or circadian rhythm – is reset when we’re exposed to daylight. The brain can tell when it’s night and when it’s not, and it does so by recording when it’s light out.

Spending time in the sun doesn’t mean that you need to expose yourself to the midsummer sun, but try to light up your living room and home “… with natural light during the day, then using blackout roller blinds at night to create a dark environment to help you fall asleep”.

Relax at Bedtime

Relax at Bedtime

This sounds obvious, but a lot of people fail to give themselves the time to relax and unwind before they turn in for the night.

Take a warm bath, make yourself some relaxing tea, and shut down all electronics when you go to bed – though a relaxing book is fine. Anything that can keep you up or make it harder for you to be able to sleep at night is a bad idea, and needs to stay out of your room at bedtime.

Don’t Work in Bed

Every morning when you get up, avoid spending any extra time in bed. Only retire to your bed for a short nap during the day and when you need to go to sleep.

This way your brain will associate your bed to sleep, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

Watch What You Eat

Eating heavy dinners or any deep fried food is a bad idea before bed, and can keep you up at night while your digestive system is hard at work. You might also need to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and it can be impossible to fall asleep after that for a few more hours.

Sometimes you’ll have to avoid taking naps during the day so you can fall asleep at night. Not all these tips work for everyone, which is why it might be a matter of trial and error before you’re able to figure out how you can sleep.

Do You Know the Health Benefits of Saffron?



Saffron: If you don’t know the health benefits credited to the Saffron spice, then you need to read further.  If the benefits claimed to be had from using this spice are true, you will want to know about it because it could revolutionise not only your love life but your health as well.

There are so many benefits to be supposedly gained from Saffron that in this article, you will become informed about only 6of the health benefits of using Saffron and how you can use this spice.

The stigmas of the Crocus sativus flower are harvested by hand to produce Saffron. A rich, fragrant spice used in cooking and curatively to alleviate certain conditions.

Here are the health benefits that are reputed to occur when you use Saffron either as a supplement or in your cooking;

Saffron Could Assist in the Prevention of Cancer

This spice contains high levels of antioxidants which fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body and as a result, they inhibit the development of cancer and other diseases.

Kaempferol is one of the antioxidants found in the petals of the Crocus sativus flower. This antioxidant has been linked to health benefits, including having anti-cancer properties, anti-depressant properties and reducing inflammation.

The antioxidants found in Saffron have the power to target and kill colon cancer cells and subdue their growth while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Skin, bone marrow, prostate, lung, breast, cervix and several other kinds of cancer cells are also effectively killed when saffron is used. The Carotenoids in Saffron could also have powerful anti-cancer effects, as some studies have shown.

Studies have found that crocin which is the main antioxidant in Saffron may make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs.

However more research is needed to study the effects of Saffron on cancer in the human body.

Saffron is Treating Depression and Correcting Low Mood.

An analysis of five studies compared Saffron supplements to placebos and found that saffron was much more effective at improving symptoms of mild to moderate depression than the placebos were. Other studies have shown that 30mg of saffron per day was just as effective as the traditional drugs at fighting depression. What’s more, the patients had fewer side effects when using Saffron.

Both the Crocus flower petals and the stigma appear to effectively decrease depression. One study found that a saffron extract increased dopamine levels in the brain without changing the levels of other brain hormones.

However, more trials need to be run before it could be endorsed by professionals in managing depression.

Saffron may improve sexual dysfunction

Researchers have noted in a study looking at women who had reported sexual dysfunction attributed to taking the antidepressant Fluoxetine that 30 mg of saffron taken daily for 4 weeks had reduced sex-related pain, increased sexual desire and vaginal lubrication in these women compared to those who took a placebo.In men who reported erectile dysfunction from anti-depressant use, taking 30mgs of Saffron daily over 4 weeksthere was significantly improved erectile function and sexual drive compared to men who took the placebo.

Saffron may improve sexual dysfunction

Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors

Saffron lowers the chance of heart disease by supporting the circulatory system. Saffron appears to decrease cholesterol levels and stop the blocking up of blood vessels and arteries.  Thiamine and riboflavin are also present in Saffron, and these support a healthy heart and help in avoiding heart disease. Crocetin circuitously controls blood cholesterol levels and decreases the severity of arteriosclerosis. In A study on rats, evidence showed that saffron might also be of use in treating hypertension.

Relief From PMS Symptoms

Trials on women aged between 25 and 45 showed that the women who took 30gms of Saffron a day had fewer symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) than those who took a placebo. After smelling saffron for 20 minutes a day, women had lower levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol, and this also may have contributed to reducing PMS symptoms. Women with primary dysmenorrhea had relief from their symptoms after taking supplements containing saffron.

Improve Memory Retention in Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. Saffron may help treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease due to its anti-inflammatory properties, its memory-improving abilities and its high quantities of antioxidants.

People with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s who took saffron for 22 weeks had lessening of their symptoms that were similar to those who took the drug donepezil but with fewer side effects. Saffron’s anti-oxidant qualities may improve cognitive performance in adults with Alzheimer’s disease. Research linked Crocin in Saffron to the reduction of inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain, which may have beneficial effects on brain function.

Warnings Associated with Overuse of Saffron

Saffron is very simple to add to your diet, and when used in cooking it carries little risk. Doses of only 30 mg a day of Saffron are all that’s needed to produce its health benefits, and at this dosage, it is generally considered to be safe for human consumption.

However, despite the many benefits, it could give you, there is a danger in using too much Saffron. If used in quantities of more than 5 grams a day, it is considered harmful. Speak to a healthcare professional before taking Saffron as a supplement. Side effects include nausea or vomiting, drowsiness and stomach problems, and some people can be allergic to it. If you experience any worrying symptoms, see your doctor.

How to Use Saffron

The dried stigmas of the Crocus sativusL.flowersare used to make food colouring, saffron spice and medicine. In small doses, Saffron has a delicate flavour and goes well with savoury dishes, especially those that have rice, such as risotto. Prior to using the saffron threads, soak them for 10-15 minutes in hot, but not boiling, water. Then add the threads and the water into your dish at the end of cooking as this gives a much richer flavour. In most recipes you won’t need more than a pinch of Saffron. Using too much will give your dish a medicinal taste. One cup of rice will only need 12-20 good quality ‘threads’.


Now you know a few of the health benefits of Saffron and some of its other uses. Unfortunately, most of the claims made for the health benefits of saffron need a lot more research with human trials and for longer lengths of time before they can be substantiated but the early research conducted with the use of this spice have been very promising. You may know of some other uses for Saffron that you would like to share. If you do then feel free to email me and let me know about them.

Author’s Bio:

Mrs.Laureen is a freelance writer for hire who writes blog posts and does editing and content writing. Laureen is interested in writing about lifestyle matters, personal budgeting and Health and Well-being topics, although she is not limited to these topics.

Laureen loves being with her family and friends and loves bushwalking, reading and swimming. Check out my website at https://laureenwrites.com.au and my blog.

Discover The Best Way To Use A Humidifier Properly


One of the most practical and helpful home appliances you can have is a humidifier.

Designed to help balance the humidity levels in your home regardless of the weather, these devices can help you and your household stays healthy and comfortable.

And with winter upon us, now has never been a better time to get the humidifier out and running. No one wants to be plagued down with seasonal allergies, a sinus infection or the flu just before the holiday season. So using a humidifier is one of the best ways to help eliminate this threat in your house.

The goal of using a humidifier is to achieve around a 45% humidity level in the room so that there is minimal threat of dry skin, respiratory issues or even an uncomfortable night’s sleep.

But there is an artform to realize when using humidifiers. You need to clean them properly, prepare them correctly and place them strategically to get the best results.

However, there is no need to stress as we are here to help you learn how to use a humidifier properly. To do so, we’ve gathered up our top tips to consider when getting your humidifier up and running.

Know Your Type of Humidifier

It is first important to realize that not all humidifiers are created equal. Some are large. Some are small. Some use filtration. And others are filterless. Understanding the type of humidifier you have—or are thinking of purchasing—is the key to ensuring that you use it properly.

For example, if you have a humidifier that uses a filtration system, you will need to be extra diligent with your cleaning of the device before and after use. This is because this type of humidifier uses boiling water that, if not cleaned properly out of the appliance, can prompt mold or mildew to grow.

On the other hand, if you have a filterless humidifier, you likely have an ultrasonic vibration humidifier. With this, boiling water is not necessary and rely on vibrations to create the mist instead.

And for the best result of air quality, you should always be using distilled water in your humidifier whenever possible.

Be Mindful of Placement

As we alluded to at the start, you should be strategic with where you place humidifiers. For instance, if you have a baby or toddler in the house and are wanting to use a filtration humidifier that relies on boiling water, you should put it out of arms reach from the little ones. But this goes without saying that putting a humidifier that is child-safe in their room can hugely benefit them, as babies tend to be even more prone to getting congested and sick.

Another thing to keep in mind with placement is if the mist will be able to circulate into the room. While you don’t need to put the humidifier in the middle of the room, you should ensure that it can reach all four corners and that the doors are open to ensure maximum circulation of the air.

Here are some things to consider with the placement of your humidifier.

  1. In the bedroom. Putting the humidifier in your bedroom will really enhance your sleep at night and help you wake up feeling comfortable and your skin feeling hydrated. It will also help you breathe easier if you are feeling a bit congested or sick
  2. Away from the sun. This is importan if you are using a cool-mist humidifier because the appliance relies on cool water to create the vapor. Sunlight runs the risk of heating up the water in the humidifier too much and can have negative effects as a result.
  3. On a flat surface. Humidifiers need to be well supported and the best way to do so is to ensure it is on stable flooring that is capable of dealing with moisture.

Clean, Clean and Clean Again

To maximize the life of it, you will want to ensure you clean it after every use. The best humidifiers are designed to be quite easy to clean. But a few minutes of effort can end up making a world of difference.

To correctly clean your humidifier, make sure there is no water residue and that it is stored in a cool environment in between uses.

Using it the next time will be so much easier if it is clean and ready to go for the next session.

With these top tips, you will enjoy all the benefits that humidifiers are designed to provide to you and your home.

How Do I Know What Is Normal After A Breast Lift?


Breast lift surgery is still a very highly regarded procedure for numerous patients. For countless people, the outcome of their surgery is exceptionally satisfactory, and they are pleased with the results. During the healing process, however, patients are always skeptical about the outcome of their breast augmentation surgery.

After your breast lift, you may have concerns during your recovery. The following is an outline of what to expect and how you should be feeling after your surgical procedure.

Your Chest Feels Tightened

It is exciting when you first learn you are getting a breast lift. However, on the day of the procedure, you may feel a bit anxious because of not knowing what to expect during recovery. When you awaken from anesthesia, you may feel some swelling. Don’t worry, this is normal.  During this time, your breast tissue is healing and is becoming acquainted with the new position of your breasts. Post-surgical swelling can worsen, especially at about day three to five, which can potentially exacerbate the sensation of tension in your chest.

Generally, you will experience pain after a breast lift for the first few days. However, stiffness may persist for up to a month. A  large percentage of the swelling will happen within the first three weeks of the surgery. However, moderate swelling will probably last for about three months.

If you notice your breasts are significantly warm and are still severely swollen,  you should contact your surgeon right away because these are signs of an infection or excessive bleeding.

You Have Constipation or Bloating

It’s normal to have anxiety after surgery, causing digestive discomfort and nausea. You can also expect your body to respond a bit differently to certain medications as well as anesthesia. Pain is often caused by an absence of physical activity during recovery, resulting in tiredness and fluid retention.

A constipated feeling is only temporary and will last just a few days after the procedure. Constipation occurs due to the shock of the operation to the body. Routinely drinking plenty of fluids and reasonable medication precautions can help to relieve this feeling. Short walks, for example, can help with digestive issues if you only have a limited amount of time to exercise.

If the discomfort lasts longer than usual, you should consult with your surgeon about the issues you’re having.  There may be alternatives available, even if they are as simple as changing your diet. These can be discussed more during your appointment.

Sharp Pain Around the Nipples

As your muscle tissue repair, you may experience strange feelings and sharp pain around the nipple area. Throughout the first few weeks, additional typical pains such as chest and back pain may emerge. Overall, spasms of the chest muscles are expected to happen within the first three or sometimes four weeks of your recovery. This occurs due to the muscles adapting to their new position.

Even though pain may arise for up to six months following breast augmentation, it should slowly diminish. If the pain persists for an extended period of time, interfering with your comfort and quality of sleep, you should contact your surgeon immediately.

Breasts and Nipples Appear Odd and Unbalanced

Fat transfer to the breast is another alternative that some women have done for breast augmentation surgery. It’s critical to give your breasts plenty of time to recover following the procedure. They will gradually move into their new location as the scar dissipates. This usually happens in about the third month of recovery.

During recovery, at first, your breasts will appear higher than normal, and you’ll notice some differences in how they appear. One breast may look relatively larger or lower than the other one. So, don’t worry about your cosmetic surgeon making a mistake at this point. It is just a sign that your breasts need to recover a bit longer. They need more time to adapt to the new fat.

Toluca Lake Cannabis Dispensary – Endocannabinoid System


The endocannabinoid system. It’s a term that often comes up whenever someone attempts to describe cannabis’ relationship with the body on a molecular level. While it may have an intimidating name and sound difficult to understand, the endocannabinoid system isn’t that scary once you become familiar with it. That’s why in this post, we teamed up with a Toluca Lake cannabis dispensary to demystify the endocannabinoid system and help cannabis users understand it.

Toluca Lake Cannabis Dispensary Explains How It work

Below, we talked to the experts to learn the science behind cannabis to understand the endocannabinoid system, and how they interact. We also included information on the entourage effect, a phenomenon that plays a large role in the endocannabinoid system’s processes.

What is the Endocannabinoid System

Before we learn how marijuana can affect the endocannabinoid system, we need to know exactly what it is.

What is the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is a subsection of your central nervous system. Three main components make up the ECS. They include:

  • Endocannabinoids: your body creates several endocannabinoids that act as triggers to cause various outcomes. For example, anandamide, an endocannabinoid, appears to be responsible for the sensation of a “runner’s high.”
  • Receptors: receptors act as the “triggers” that endocannabinoids pull. Two types of receptors exist in the endocannabinoid system: CB1 and CB2.
  • Enzymes: last but not least, enzymes come at the end of the ECS process. After an endocannabinoid triggers a receptor, enzymes break them down into their base proteins so the body can call upon them again later.

Essentially, the ECS acts as a signal pathway that helps your body maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis consists of all the unconscious subroutines that keep your body running. For example, heartbeat, temperature, and inflammation response all exist under the umbrella of homeostasis.

Usually, the ECS keeps these things regulated fairly well by itself. It controls inflammation in response to infections and injuries, helps regulate your sleep cycle, and more, all without ever having to pay attention to it!

Until, that is, someone decides to mix things up.

How Does Cannabis Affect the Endocannabinoid System?

Consuming cannabis can cause some interesting changes in your ECS. In simplest terms, cannabis exerts force on the ECS by impersonating endocannabinoids. Once a cannabinoid like THC or CBD reaches your bloodstream, it binds with receptors in your ECS. This “hacks” the ECS into triggering an effect, like reducing inflammation or soothing anxiety.

How Does Cannabis Affect the Endocannabinoid System

The Entourage Effect

One last important facet of the ECS is a phenomenon called the entourage effect. According to research, the entourage effect arises when multiple cannabinoids try to exert forces on the ECS at once. The theory postulates that multiple cannabinoids can enhance one another’s abilities, resulting in more powerful effects or new ones entirely. The entourage effect is a fairly recent discovery in comparison to cannabinoids and the ECS itself.

Harness Your Endocannabinoid System It

Think you understand the intricacies surrounding the ECS and want to take control of it for yourself? This Toluca Lake cannabis dispensary has everything you need to harness the power of your endocannabinoid system.

Mononucleosis In Pregnancy And Its Symptoms

Mononucleosis is a prevalent and benign viral infection, but in pregnant women, it can have serious consequences.

We will discuss in this article all you need to know to take care of yourself and prevent it.

Can you have mononucleosis in pregnancy? As a mother, it is a question that you will ask yourself, among many other doubts. You may also wonder if it will affect your baby when you get sick.

Mononucleosis is a common infectious disease that can spread to anyone. This includes pregnant women. Furthermore, the causative agent is not a single virus.

In the specific case of pregnant women, the pathology carries some added risks with consequences for the fetus.

We state everything you should know about mononucleosis in pregnancy, and why you have to be very careful at this stage.

What Is Mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis is also known as kissing disease. It is an infectious pathology produced by different types of viruses, which are transmitted from person to person through saliva and other bodily secretions.

In general, it is benign and self-resolving. This means that it does not leave sequelae and that it heals after a time, even without receiving treatment.

Once the immune system fights the virus and expels it, the problem is over.

The two viruses that cause the vast majority of mononucleosis cases are Epstein-Barr and Cytomegalovirus.

It can take place at any age and anyone, it is correct 95% of people over the age of 40 have already had this pathology and have generated immunity.

These data reveal that it is a disease that usually affects children and adolescents. Once it overcomes, the acquired immunity lasts for life and protects us for future contacts with infectious agents.

After having our blood in contact with the mononucleosis viruses, we generate immunity for life.

Symptoms Of Mononucleosis In Pregnancy

The type of symptoms and the intensity with which they occur vary from person to person. The disease is usually incubated in about 10 to 14 days, during which there are no symptoms.

However, there are records of up to a month of incubation.

After the initial period, the signs begin gradually. Mononucleosis in pregnancy does not differ in its presentation from what happens to a non-pregnant person.

Once they appear, it is common for symptoms to last between 2 and 4 weeks, with the following being more common:

  • Fever, which ranges from a few tenths or higher.
  • Sore throat and headache, because the virus affects the mucosa of the pharynx. Tonsillitis and pharyngitis occur.
  • General tiredness with extreme fatigue. There is a feeling of heaviness of muscles and extremities that prevents daily activities.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes that felt on extended tours of the body. The most frequent areas in which we can observe this are the armpits, the neck, and the groin.

Sometimes the liver and spleen can become inflamed. The increase in their size makes them palpable in an abdominal examination when it is normal for them to be challenging to find by physical examination.

Risks And Consequences Of Mononucleosis In Pregnancy

In most cases, mononucleosis is a condition that does not cause complications. As we have said, it is usually self-resolving, and, after a few weeks, the symptoms disappear.

It is such a benign condition that many are not even aware that they are suffering from it, and the infection proceeds without any problem.

That explains the immunity acquired in adulthood without knowing the precise moment in which it generated.

However, in the case of pregnant women, some precautions must be taken. Both cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus can pass to the fetus through the placenta.

The development of the baby in the womb is a very delicate stage. If a virus comes into contact during embryogenesis, there can be severe consequences.

In the case of mononuclesosis pregnancy, a problem occurs when the mother acquires the infection and has not gone through it before.

The most delicate moment is the first trimester of pregnancy. This is the stage when all of the baby’s organs are developing.

If the mother becomes infected in the first trimester and transmits it to the fetus, this can have fatal consequences.

Some of the sequelae that these viruses can produce in the baby are deafness and microcephaly.

Furthermore, the Epstein-Barr virus is associated with premature labor. This means that it increases the chances of early labor, with the baby leaving the womb before he is ready.

Preterm labor is a consequence of Epstein-Barr virus infections in pregnant women.

Prevention As A General Rule

Although mononucleosis is not usually a severe disease, it can cause serious side effects for the baby during pregnancy.

Some tests are carried out on pregnant women, in which it is possible to know if they have already generated immunity against this type of virus.

If the pregnant woman has not passed the infection, she must take extreme precautions.

You will have to be very careful when you are around people with compatible symptoms, and ideally, you should not share objects for personal use.

On the other hand, if you notice any compatible symptoms, you should go to the specialist as soon as possible. And the faster the diagnosis, the lower the chances that the fetus will be affected.

Reviewed – The Most Discreet Hearing Aids On The Market


Wearing glasses has in recent years become a cool fashion statement, taking the stigma out of poor eyesight. The same, however, can’t be said for wearing hearing aids and, therefore, hearing loss. But while hearing aids may never look fashionable, they have become incredibly discreet in recent times. Here we’ll review the most discreet hearing aids currently on the market.

Previously not only were most hearing aids clunky affairs that hooked noticeably over each ear, but they also didn’t provide excellent sound quality. It was, therefore, common for users to not put them on or have them turned on. Thus perpetuating the somewhat annoying reputation that users can have. Thank goodness technology has moved on, and now practically invisible devices deliver crystal clear sound.

Tiny Device, Big Sound

The most discreet hearing aids on the market sit right down in the ear canal, making them barely visible to the casual observer. These devices are best for mild to moderate hearing loss and decent agility. Due to the small size, they can light on additional features with no manual controls, so bear that in mind before you start shopping.


Eargoproduces several CIC (completely-in-canal)hearing aids that are an excellent choice for mild to moderate hearing loss. Boasting crisp, clear sound with improved speech clarity, you’ll enjoy conversation again. If you’re a glasses wearer as well, you’ll enjoy the comfort of hearing well without the bulk behind your ears.

As you can order Eargo products online, you can order them at your convenience. All you need is a current audiogram, which you can arrange through Eargo if required. Despite not being purchased in-store, Eargo offers lots of support, which means you’ll have your new hearing aids working in no time. And should you find after several weeks of use, they aren’t for you, there is a 45-day return period.

Phonak Lyric

If you prefer having your hearing aids fitted by a professional in person, then the Phonak Lyric is a good option. These CIC aids are fitted by a hearing specialist and then stay in place for a few months before being changed by your professional. The benefit of this is that you’re sure of the perfect fit every time. It also has the advantage of meaning you never need to worry about batteries, as you’ll get fresh batteries with each new set.

Other devices must rely mainly on microphones to pick up surrounding sounds. The beauty of these devices is that you sit far down your ear canal, allowing them to use anatomy to capture and amplify sound. By picking up the sound in the ear canal, you are provided with a natural listening experience. You’ll notice a lack of wind interference as well, which helps keep your sound clear.

Livio Edge AI

Starkey has an outstanding array of hearing aids in the Livio Edge AI range meaning you have an excellent choice for ultimate comfort. The largest style within this range is the receiver in-ear model, which sees a small earpiece tucked behind your ear while the inconspicuous receiver sits in the ear canal. Regardless of whether you choose to go for CIC or RIE, a range of colors is offered, meaning you can personalize your hearing aids also. All while still providing the utmost discretion regardless of the style chosen.

These aids are packed full of features that make them an attractive option for people with a range of hearing loss issues. The incorporation of AI means that your listening quality is constantly monitored and adjusted to give the best sound possible. Being Bluetooth enabled means you can stream phone calls and your favorite podcast direct to your ears as well. This means no more getting lost trying to follow conversations when you can’t see the speaker’s face.

When In-Ear Isn’t Enough

Being afflicted by a more severe hearing loss doesn’t mean you are lumbered with a large and unsightly Behind-Ear device. Technology has also moved on with these devices, meaning they are now more streamlined and attractive. These devices also have the advantage of having room for the full range of available features.


When In-Ear devices are not appropriate, you need not despair about presenting to the world as a hearing aid user first and foremost. Audicus has several BTE hearing aids that are very small and discreet, with a stylish design to boot. The in-ear receiver piece sits comfortably in the ear canal connected to the main part by a clear plastic tube that blends into your ear.

The Audicus Spirit is packed with features in the discreet little case, including Bluetooth and rechargeable batteries. The handy app gives you complete control of your hearing aid settings right from your phone screen. You also have access to comprehensive aftercare support, so any issues you may come across can be dealt with quickly. That means no waiting around with impaired hearing while you wait for an appointment to get problems sorted.

Regardless of whether you suffer from only a mild hearing loss or a more severe loss, you’ll be able to find a comfortable and discreet hearing aid that suits your needs. No longer are your only options, bulky over-the-ear devices that stand out visually while not providing an outstanding hearing experience. Depending on your hearing loss levels, you can have anything from invisible CIC to slimline discreet behind ear devices.

Understanding Sexual Abuse And The Mental Health Issues


Mental health is critical for functioning in society today. Though many of us go about our lives without developing any mental health issues, this is something that affects more people than what you might realize.

It’s evident that roughly one in six Americans deal with mental health issues in some form. This is a rather large percentage of the population, and this can be caused by many factors. And, while some of these factors can be internally manifested, most of them are brought on from external experiences.

Sexual abuse is by far one of the worst forms of abuse. The act of unwanted sexual advances, rape, molestation, and incest are all part of this horrible act, and can cause a person serious mental illness over time.

Here, we’ll explore how sexual abuse affects your mental health.

What Happens After a Sexual Assault?

When a person goes through the trauma of a sexual assault, whether in the form of molestation, rape, statutory rape, incest or an unwanted sexual advance, many things can manifest in the mind.

Often, after an instance of abuse, a person feels that their bodies are not their own. This is sometimes evident in a person withdrawing from social gatherings, or a sharp change in demeanor.

Survivors of sexual abuse often report feelings of shame and guilt, or may develop feelings of terror around members of the opposite or same sex. This is often the case in instances of abuse from elders, members of a church, or from family members.

Depression & Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety

Depression is typically the first tell-tale sign of abuse of any form. Once your body has been violated, this loss of autonomy can be difficult to cope with, and this can result in serious depression.

It’s not uncommon for a victim of abuse to withdraw completely, and stay away from any or all social situations due to the severe depression that can follow.

Like depression, anxiety is another immediate effect of sexual abuse. In fact, many survivors of sexual abuse develop a fear that the abuse can happen again. This can result in having random panic attacks when involved in intimate situations, or when being around members of a particular sex.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Most of us often associate post-traumatic stress disorder with members of the military who have survived the gruesome reality of military combat. While this is common in military combat veterans, this is also quite common with victims of sexual abuse.

Survivors of sexual abuse often report instances of intense memories of the abuse, and certain scenery or people can trigger the memory. These intense memories can sometimes be so disruptive that they may cause the victim to relive the abuse in their mind.

In other more serious cases, PTSD may be so strong that it causes the illusion of an alternate reality, in which a person believes that his or her surroundings have changed, causing the person to lose track of where they are.

Multiple Personality Disorder

During extreme cases of sexual abuse, where the abuse is physically painful or if it continues on throughout their early lives, a person may develop a way to cope with the abuse. Though these cases are most common with young children, a child may develop an alternate personality that is responsible for dealing with the trauma.

Split personalities or borderline personalities are most commonly associated with the most extreme cases of abuse and are thought to be a survival mechanism of a young mind.

Developing this disorder allows a child to cope with the trauma, in a way that the primary identity remains unaffected by the abuse, while the alternate personality suffers the trauma.

Though this may be a coping mechanism, multiple personality disorder is a debilitating condition that carries on into adulthood and requires long-term psychiatric intervention.

It’s important to note that abuse of any kind can cause serious mental health issues in people of all ages. Sometimes this can even result in the development of chronic pain and other health conditions that aren’t as easily recognizable.

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