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Breast Implant Exchange: All You Need To Know


With so many women having breast augmentation, some are bound to want (or need) to replace their implants. If you are looking for a breast implant exchange in Orange County, you need to research what breast implant exchange is and why you can have the procedure.

If you are unsatisfied with your breast implants for one reason or another, you may consider having a breast implant exchange.

This article will look at a general overview of breast implant exchange, why people choose to have it, and the recovery from an implant exchange in Orange County.

Read on to learn more.


A breast implant exchange is also known as a breast revision surgery. While most people are satisfied by the results of their breast augmentation, you can get an implant exchange if you are dissatisfied with the results or have some issues with your implants.

A breast implant exchange involves removing the implant(s) from a previous breast augmentation and replacing it/them with new implant(s).

Breast implants are not meant to last forever; they typically have a lifespan of at least 10 to 15 years.

Reasons to Have an Implant Exchange

Different people have different reasons why they need to have a breast implant exchange in Orange County.

Some of them that may prompt you to get an implant exchange include:

  • The implant has reached the end of its useful life
  • Unsatisfactory results from a previous breast augmentation
  • You want a different size of breasts implants
  • You want a different shape of breast implants
  • You desire to change the type of implant (e.g., from saline to silicone)
  • Your implant has ruptured; this may be a slow leak or a complete deflation
  • If the scar tissue around the implant has hardened (capsule contracture)
  • If you have a breast implant illness (BII)
  • If you a drastic change in the breast tissue; from weight gain or loss and pregnancy
  • If the breast implant has shifted

No matter your reasons for having a breast implant exchange, you need to talk with your surgeon to decide if you are a ideal candidate for an implant exchange.

Recovery From an Implant Exchange Surgery

Recovery from an implant exchange surgery is often similar to or faster than the original breast augmentation because the implant pocket is there. However, implant exchange surgery recovery depends on an individual and the procedure. Implants put under the muscles take longer to heal than those above the muscles.

You may have more severe symptoms when recovering from an implant exchange than in the original surgery, as secondary surgical procedures are typically more complex. During the first week after the implant exchange, you will experience significant pain and discomfort. The doctor will give you pain medication to help with the pain.

The breasts will be swollen and bruised in the first weeks of recovery. You will also have some tenderness and numbness around the breasts. Some patients experience changes in nipple sensation after an implant exchange surgery in Orange County.

When recovering from a breast implant exchange, you should take at least one week off work and get a lot of rest after the surgery. It would be best if you also avoided strenuous activities and breast stimulation. But, if your work involves a lot of strenuous work, you may consider taking more time off. So your doctor will advise you when you can resume strenuous activities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Implant Exchange

What Are the likely Complications From a Breast Implant Exchange?

Like other surgeries, implant exchange comes with risks. Some of the possible complications from a breast implant exchange include:

  • Negative reaction to anesthesia
  • Blood clots
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Prolonged pain and discomfort
  • Infection
  • Slow wound healing
  • Capsule contracture
  • Implant rupture or rippling
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Excess scarring

Am I a Good Candidate for Implant Exchange Surgery?

You are a good candidate for a breast implant exchange if:

  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are healthy
  • You have a stable weight
  • You are unsatisfied with either the size, shape, or appearance of your breast implants
  • You have realistic expectations of the surgery

How Long Does It Take To Recover From an Implant Exchange Surgery?

It often  takes six weeks to recover from breast implant surgery. However, you should know that every patient is different, and the recovery time may vary from one patient to the other.

After How Long Should I Wear a Regular Bra After an Implant Exchange?

You should wait at least six weeks before wearing your regular bra. Wear a support bra throughout the recovery period.

Tips for an Effective Mental Health Awareness Campaign at Your Health Clinic


Your health clinic may be in the business of fixing obvious physical injuries, but many people that come through your clinic might be struggling with something a bit harder to see.

Mental health is a serious issue affecting millions of people around the world. In fact, nearly 20% of adults in the U.S. struggle with some sort of mental illness. To help more people in your clinic and around your area, here are a few tips to manage a mental health awareness campaign at your health clinic.

Think about your end goal

The first step to an effective mental health campaign for your health clinic is to think about what you want to accomplish.

Many mental health campaigns start (and end) by just wanting people to feel better. Companies make a single social media post that says “You’re not alone” with a picture of someone with their head in their hands and think that’s all they need to do. But that doesn’t provide any real steps to help people struggling with mental health.

What’s your end goal for the campaign, and what action do you want people to take? Whether you want to showcase your mental health classes or persuade people to seek help, there should be some kind of action or goal for your campaign.

Keep messaging engaging, compelling, positive, and even fun

Struggling with mental health is difficult enough. There are so many mental health campaigns with images of people struggling and negative messaging, but that’s not what people need to feel better. In fact, they need the opposite!

Once you know your end goal, it’s time to create the messaging. No matter what type of campaign you want to create, always keep messaging engaging, positive, and even fun. Negative messaging just reinforces the idea that struggling with mental health is bad. It might be bad for you, but you want to avoid making people feel like they’re bad or weird for feeling the way they do.

Use flyers, posts, and videos filled with people looking happy or engaged. Try to avoid the stereotypical images of people looking down or struggling. People struggling with mental health already know what that’s like; they don’t need visual reminders.

Spread the word on multiple channels

The entire point of a mental health campaign is to help people. So to get your messaging out, you have to go where people spend their time. Once you determine your messaging, spread the word on multiple channels. Think about using at least the following platforms:

  • Social media
  • Physical posters and flyers in your clinic, around town, in schools, etc.
  • Your health clinic’s website
  • Email campaigns

The more channels you use, the more people you can reach, and the more people you can help.

Use a variety of different content

When it comes to mental health, everyone struggles with something different. Well, the same is true for content effectiveness. While some people might enjoy a blog or video, others might prefer a simple poster or static image.

Using a variety of content helps ensure your mental health support campaign will resonate with more people. These are just some of the types of content you can use for your mental health awareness campaign at your health clinic:

  • Motivational posters
  • Personal testimonials
  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Gifs and memes
  • In-person presentations

It’s also important to use only high-quality content. Using content that looks like it was spliced together quickly in Microsoft Paint makes it look like your health clinic doesn’t actually care — which is the complete opposite of what your mental health campaign is supposed to say!

If you’re better at caring for patients than designing high-quality graphics, that’s okay. There are plenty of templates for mental health posters online. That way, you can design professional-level images without needing professional-level design skills. Just choose the template you like best, fill in your messaging, and you’re ready to print or post online. It’s that easy.

Include a clear call to action

There should be something that your mental health awareness campaign leads to. Whether it’s to join a class, reach out to your friends to see how they’re doing, or even to open up to others, make sure your campaign has a clear call to action (CTA).

Your CTA should invite people struggling with mental health issues to take positive steps and potentially even seek help. If your health clinic has a psychology department, you could even include the contact information for some of your staff members who could help those struggling with mental health issues.

Support those struggling with mental health

Mental health issues aren’t something to take lightly. Many people across the country struggle with mental health, and they don’t always feel comfortable reaching out for help.

By running a mental health awareness campaign at your health clinic, you can support those who might have mental health issues and encourage them to seek support. But before starting a new campaign, figure out what the goal of your campaign will be, use positive messaging, spread the word through various channels, use a variety of content, and include a clear call to action.

If you take all these aspects into consideration, you can help your patients, employees, and others in your area take control of their mental health and seek help if necessary.

Did You Know That a Tummy Tuck Surgery Can Get You a Snatched Waist in 6 Months?


Tummy tuck surgeries are the most effective way to transform your profile and enhance your aesthetic. It is generally preferred by patients looking for drastic slimming around the waist. A tummy tuck can change your life, allowing you more motion of range and the ability to exercise and engage in regular activity.

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to firm, smooth, and contour the abdomen. During the procedure, a surgeon removes excess fat and skin while tightening abdominal muscle for a more defined waistline.

Why Are Tummy Tucks Necessary?

People gain excess weight around the abdomen leading to sagging skin that does not snap back after a weight loss journey. An enlarged stomach can hurt a patient’s self-esteem. It can also affect their daily life because mobility is limited; most people can’t tie their shoes or take a proper bath. Other factors that can enlarge the stomach include aging, pregnancy, abdominal surgery, and genetics.

What Are the Various Types of Tummy Tucks?

Tummy tuck techniques your plastic surgeon will use vary depending on the amount of excess skin. Some types of tummy tucks include:

  • Full tummy tuck
  • Non-surgical tummy tuck
  • Mini tummy tuck
  • Extended tummy tuck
  • Fleur-De-Lis tummy tuck
  • Drainless tummy tuck
  • Tummy tuck/liposuction

How Is Tummy Tuck Performed?

The first step in a tummy tuck is the administration of anesthesia. The patient can choose intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. If you can’t choose, your doctor will advise on the best anesthesia for you. The second part of the surgery is making incisions. The amount of excess skin determines the size and shape of the incision.

Once the excess skin is lifted, underlying muscles are tightened. Some patients require an incision around the navel to access excess skin on the upper abdomen. Once the skin is pulled down, a new belly button hole is created, and both incisions are closed.

How Soon Can You See the Results?

Two weeks after a tummy tuck, you must be able to stand up and examine the initial results of your tummy tuck. The full results may not be visible until three to six months after the procedure, so it is important to exercise patients.

Who Is a Good Tummy Tuck Patient?

Good tummy tuck patients include anyone who needs to lose excess skin around the waist for various reasons. However, it is also advisable for the patient to be in good health and to have a realistic approach to the tummy tuck results.

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Procedure Last?

A tummy tuck procedure usually takes about three hours from start to finish. Some patients may need longer than this if they have more than the usual excess amount of skin.

Post-Operative Care for Patients

Immediately after the tummy tuck, the patient should expect swelling, tenderness, soreness, and some pain level. The incision points may have drains attached to aid in draining the wounds. Patients are advised to stay on their backs during the recovery period.

After two weeks, the patient is allowed to move and gently ease into regular activities. So Strenuous activities should be avoided for a few months.

Tummy Tuck Q&A

Does a tummy tuck leave scar tissue?

Yes, tummy tucks leave scars where the incisions were made. They are usually not visible when fully clothed. The larger scar goes across the waist below the bikini line, while the other is around the belly button.

How much will a tummy tuck cost?

A tummy tuck usually costs around 11,500 dollars, depending on the level of care and the complexity of the surgery.

Will my insurance cover my tummy tuck?

No, most insurance covers do not pay for a tummy tuck surgery because it is considered elective.

How long does tummy tuck recovery take?

A tummy tuck recovery can take the patient half a year. However, the first three months are the hardest as the patient heals from the procedure and experiences limited mobility. After six months, the patient can begin regular exercise and other strenuous activities.

What possible risks and complications can occur after a tummy tuck?

Complications after a tummy tuck are rare, especially when performed by a board-certified tummy tuck surgeon in a reputable clinic. However, few patients experience infection, numbness, fluid accumulation, bleeding, deep vein thrombosis, and cardiac or pulmonary complications. Patients that follow the doctor’s instructions and take good care of their bodies after a tummy tuck rarely get any complications. Some patients get a nurse to stay and take care of their incisions, feeding, cleaning, and exercise for the first few weeks.

How can I prepare for a tummy tuck?

The first thing to do is stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The doctor may also advise you to stop taking some medications, so you must disclose any medication you take. It is also important to have a healthy lifestyle to maintain a stable weight.

Top 4 Features To Look For In a Nasal CPAP Mask


CPAP machines help treat sleep apnea by providing continuous airflow through the mouth, nose, or both. Several types of CPAP masks are available to help with this treatment. Nasal masks are one of the most popular types of CPAP masks because they offer many benefits over other types of masks.

While there is no perfect nasal mask for everyone, some features are common among all nasal masks and can help you find the suitable DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask.

Dreamwear Nasal Mask: Top Features To Look For In Your Nasal Cpap Mask

1. Exhalation Relief

Learning to use a DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask after being diagnosed with sleep apnea is difficult. It’s often clunky and uncomfortable. Additionally, being forced to breathe continuously through your nose and mouth may be overwhelming at first. Exhalation pressure relief helps patients breathe more comfortably by reducing the pressure on Dreamweaver nasal mask machines when exhaled.

The continuous positive airway pressure provided by CPAP machines makes it easier for patients to breathe in and harder for them to breathe out. In general, there are three settings for exhalation pressure relief: 1, 2, and 3. In the end, breathing becomes more comfortable and natural.

2. Memory Card

You can record therapeutic data on most CPAP machines to determine the effectiveness of your treatment. Data can include hours used, average pressure, leaks, and AHI. Besides recording your snoring, some advanced models will also measure whether it restricts your airflow. Users can see their data on some devices, while only clinical data is accessible on others.

The information is stored on a memory card, or SD card, which you can share with your specialist. With a remotely monitored machine, your technician can adjust your device, monitor your progress, or remind you when you need new supplies or equipment.

3. Noise

Also, the noise level of today’s CPAP machines can be measured at under 30 decibels (whisper-quiet). Others, however, are quieter. You should check each machine’s decibel level if you are concerned about the sound.

4. Air Filter And Humidifier

Your health and your machine’s health depend on your air filter. Dreamwear nasal mask air filters capture foreign particles, like dust and pollen, which can lead to lung infections. Without an air filter, bacteria will accumulate inside the machine and multiply.

Every machine has at least one kind of filter: reusable or disposable. Clean reusable filters and replace the disposable ones every 30 days.

Humidifiers add moisture to a room’s air. The result is a more comfortable breathing environment for those in the room. Your machine’s humidifier heats the air to make it more comfortable for you to breathe. As a result, you’ll experience less dry coughing and dry mouth.


When a sleep specialist prescribes a CPAP machine for you, you must use it properly. Misusing any piece can not only limit its effectiveness but may also compromise your respiratory health. Ensure you understand how your machine parts and how to work so that you can properly maintain it.

Dentist In Riverside:


Brushing and flossing in the morning and evening are not enough to adequately care for your teeth. If this were all that was required to maintain your teeth in good condition, you would seldom need to see the dentist.

However, proper oral health needs additional care. Many individuals may put off seeing a dentist until they have a problem, such as tooth discomfort or bleeding gums. Regular dental care appointments are vital for maintaining healthy gums and teeth and avoiding other oral health disorders.

Dentists can prevent issues as well as address them. They can detect the start of gum disease and tooth decay. This is why when it comes to your dental health, you must be proactive and see your dentist regularly so that they can detect any abnormalities before they become a problem.

Prevention is always preferable to treatment, and there are several more reasons why you should see your local dental office regularly. As a result, you must pick your dentist carefully. In this post, we will discuss some crucial factors to consider when selecting a dentist!

Things To Remember When Choosing A Dentist In Riverside:

There are several factors to consider while searching for a new dentist in Riverside. However, your oral health is critical to your general well-being, so you need to choose a dentist you can rely on. This post will explore 10 things to look for in a new dentist.

1. Availability Matters:

When searching for a new dentist, be sure their availability works with your schedule. You may need to schedule appointments around your day job and pick up your children from school or daycare. It will be useless if your dentist closes their office too early or opens too late for your requirements.

2. Location, Location, Location:

You might be interested in a specific dental clinic but discover that it is way too far from your office or home. Having a dentist who is far away may not seem like a major concern at first, but if you or a member of your family has a dental emergency, time is of importance.

You will also be required to see your dentist at least once every six months for a check-up and cleaning, which may rapidly become inconvenient when their clinic is an hour away.

3. Insurance Coverage:

Depending on where you reside and your dental plan, the price of services like checkups, fillings, and X-rays can differ. Additionally, the amount you spend out-of-pocket depends on the kind of dental insurance you have. You should think about doing some comparison shopping because prices can differ from place to place and dentist to dentist. You may save money by dialling a few numbers. Verify that each dentist is covered by the network of your insurance plan before scheduling an appointment or you might have to pay more out-of-pocket.

4. Emergency Services:

It is great if your regular dental clinic also provides emergency dental treatments in your area. With this information, if you ever find yourself in need of a dental emergency, it will be easier for you to choose a dental clinic in which you feel confident.

5. Doctor Training And Credentials:

Experience is essential when it comes to safeguarding your dental health. You should not be afraid to inquire about a possible new dentist’s qualifications, how long they have been in practice if they have any speciality, and how many patients they have treated.

6. Advanced Technology:

The availability of innovative technology in your dental clinic will facilitate same-day treatment and provide you and your dentist with quicker access to the diagnostic imaging required to diagnose and treat specific tooth diseases.

7. Patient Experience:

Your dentist should make your appointments as pleasant and comfortable as possible. When selecting a dentist, ensure that their staff goes above and beyond to provide a positive experience. Also, read patient testimonials online to determine if they were satisfied with the services provided.

8. Clean Facilities:

When it comes to sterile equipment, seats, and amenities, your dentist should make sure their patients are well taken care of. Check for signs of poor cleanliness inside the dental office and/or surrounding a dental business.

9. Sedation Dentistry:

Whether you or a family member suffers from dental anxiety, check with your dentist to see if sedation dentistry is a possibility. It will help you to feel calm and comfortable while receiving the dental care you need.

10. Additional Services Offered:

Different dental clinics provide a variety of dental services, such as preventive services. Be sure to research the services they provide and compare the number of services they offer with those of other dental clinics in the area. This will ensure you receive the best dental care possible

7 Ways a Weight Loss Coach Can Help You Lose Weight


For decades, weight loss has been a booming industry, raking a whopping £2bn a year through products like pills, supplements, programme memberships, and even app subscriptions. These products are designed to make weight loss look like it’s almost within reach. Fitness-related applications that show different workouts entice the eager consumer, making them feel like 30 days is all they need to get 6-pack abs, but such products fail to account for a person’s individuality.

That’s where a weight loss coach steps in. Unlike one instructor hauling a class of 30 people, your instructor only caters to you during specific sessions. In fact, weight loss coaching offers numerous benefits that can help you lose weight.

1. Ensure that You Get Enough Exercise

Let’s start with the hard truth. One of the major reasons people aren’t seeing results from trying out different weight loss products is that they’re relying too much on a diet and less on exercise. Exercise isn’t just important to burn excess fat in your body, but to give your metabolism a boost and ensure that the fat stays off. However, it’s no secret that exercise seems like a difficult task for many of us, especially with our demanding schedules that take up a lot of time on their own. We end each day saying, ‘I’ll work out tomorrow for sure,’ but never get around to it. Hence, a weight loss coach will make sure you’re getting enough exercise.

2. Design an Exercise Plan That Works For You

This brings us to the next point: yes, your weight loss coach will ensure you get plenty of exercises, but not without considering your individual needs. We’re all built different, so why should our workout routines be the same. Maybe your knee can’t take a lot of strain due to a serious injury, or you suffer from hormone imbalance due to conditions like hypothyroidism – such factors can prevent you from trying a mainstream workout routine. Lucky for you, a certified weight loss coach is trained to design an exercise routine that meets your needs.

3. Design a Personalised Meal Plan for Your Needs

So they’ve got you to start exercising, but what about food? Certified weight loss coaches thoroughly understand food groups and nutritional requirements. To prepare a diet plan, they combine this knowledge with the information you provide, such as allergy information, religious diet restrictions, and food preferences (vegan, vegetarian, etc.).

Additionally, they also look at your daily routine. Do you sit at a desk for a big part of the day, or do you walk around? Do you drive, walk, or take the bus to work? This helps them understand how much energy you need, allowing them to prepare a meal plan accordingly.

4. Hold You Accountable For Your Food Choices

Now that you have a meal plan, what’s next? Your weight loss coach will ensure that you stick to the diet plan and don’t deviate. This will involve recording your daily consumption through regular food entries. So when you step on the scales and the numbers don’t show what they predicted, it’s up to you to set things right.

5. Evaluate Your Lifestyle Objectively

Sometimes, you don’t realise when something has more calories and underestimate the damage it does. And even when we’re in doubt, we avoid seeking the truth. So we enjoy the comfort that comes with not knowing the calories in a cup of ice cream. This creates the need for an objective look at our lifestyle – someone who will tell us the truth when we’re least willing to hear it.

6. Motivate You!

Your weight loss coach will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need encouragement and motivation. When it seems like you’ve done your best and still can’t see the desired results, you feel like giving up. That’s when approval or encouragement from an expert can keep you from throwing in the towel. By offering you support and motivation, your weight loss coach convinces you to keep going.

7. Give Important Advice That Improves Your Quality of Life

Weight loss coaches are well-versed in how things like nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle affect your body. By observing you and your routine, they can point out little things that may not necessarily be related to weight loss but do wonders for your quality of life. For instance, they may notice issues in your posture, sleeping habits, and home environment that could place undue stress on your body. Addressing these problems can improve your well-being on a mental and physical level, which motivates you along your weight loss journey.


With a weight loss coach, you get more than just an exercise routine and diet plan. You get expert advice from a professional who makes an effort to understand you and your body. It’s why you’re more likely to see results with their help.

Guideline To Use Essential Oils


The markets are flooded these days with essential oils, and we often see the rigorous marketing and advertisement campaigns that the brands carry out. But most people who are interested in essential oils and want to make a purchase, face two major dilemma.

One is which essential oil to buy or how to pick the best essential oil that will suit them, another one is how to use these essential oils and the guidelines to remember before using it.

Most of these brands are so indulged in advertisement and boosting sales, that they don’t look into a key factor: proper labelling and guidelines. The bottles come with so short guidelines that most consumers remain confused about safe and appropriate use.

So, this article covers all you need to know about the proper steps to use essential oil.

Applying Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used in some certain ways; they are listed as follows:

●     How to use essential oils aromatically

The aromatic use of essential oils is the one most people know about. It is essential to learn how to use essential oils by diffusing their aroma. It is very crucial to know the product-specific water and oil ratios before using a diffuser, because otherwise the oil might have harmful effects.  Apart from that, you can use a fresh piece of cotton and add drops of your essential oil on it and apply on areas you want to. Again, you can also check if your essential oil is safe to put on hands, and if it is, you can take some drops on your palm and inhale from it with certain intervals in between.

●     How to use essential oils topically

The topical use of essential oil is the most common one and people ought to stick to it when they know the proper process. Essential oil can be applied on most parts of the body, other than the sensitive ones. It is better to dilute it with a carrier oil to help you adjust the strength of the aroma of your essential oil. Using essential oil topically in certain ways can result in relaxing your muscles, help in skincare help removing bad odor from certain body parts.

●     How to use essential oils internally

There are some essential oils which you can even ingest, rather than applying topically or inhaling. These are the same quality essential oils, but distinct by their type and labelling. There are some essential oils which you can mix with your water to stay hydrated by adding a few recommended numbers of drops. Again, some of these are also used as a flavor-enhancer in some drinks as well as in some food recipes.

Things to Consider While Applying Essential Oils

Check the Quality of the oil

There are certain essential oil brands that use additives with essential oil, which might not suit you and have harmful effects like allergic reaction. So, it is always recommended to find a reliable manufacturer who produces pure essential oils. But this doesn’t mean additives are bad every time, for instance some added vegetable oils might be okay to have in certain essential oils.

Natural doesn’t always mean good

We often have a misconception that pure or natural substances are always safe. But in reality, there are natural substances, which when applied on the skin, can be irritating or have allergic reactions. So, it is always recommended to consult with a medical professional or expert before applying an essential oil.

Watch out for allergies

There are people allergic to essential oils, so it is very important to know which one is the best suited for you. The labelling shows the list of ingredients or additives to the oil, so you can know from there if there is any element that you might be allergic to. For people who do have allergies, it is better to avoid some oils according to multiple reports, like: Ylang-ylang oil, cinnamon oil, oregano oil, lemongrass oil etc. And if you have an allergic reaction, it is recommended to immediately see a doctor.

Do change the older oils

Due to exposure to oxygen, essential oils oxidize over a certain period of time, and this can be really harmful for you, even causing irritation and other allergic reactions. So, it is recommended to avoid using old, spoiled or improperly stored oils for use and not to use them after 3 years.

Do not apply it raw

Natural essential oils are very potent, and they are too strong to use undiluted. So, it is very important to dilute them with a carrier oil before using.

You can apply your essential oil on your accessories and inhale from it or it is better to mix it with a carrier oil and then apply on your skin. And there also has been a kind of essential oil inhaler that comes with a kind of absorbent material to soak up the oil and covers the scent.

Less is more

It is essential to use very little or small drops of this oil with the carrier oil, a lower percentage of essential oil in the mixture will reduce the chances of any reaction to the body. And it is not like using small amount of essential oil will not be enough, because even 1-2 drops will get the job done for you.

Check the correct way to apply

Again, it is very crucial to check the type of essential oil and the labelling. Because if you apply an essential oil on your skin that is only safe to be used in your food, it can have very bad effects on your body. Same goes for the exact opposite, certain essential oils are only safe to use if applied topically, they should not be swallowed.

Do not go under sun after applying essential oil

There are some phototoxic essential oils which can cause irritation, blisters, or even burns when exposed to the sun. So, it is important to check the labelling about the warning information of your essential oil, and if possible, consult with a medical expert to know more about it.

Not recommended for special conditions

Essential oils are to be kept away from children at home. Elderly people should also use it only under strict supervision and help. It is recommended to keep essential oils away from pregnant women and people with special conditions like asthma, epilepsy, or other health complexities.

Bottom Line

With the growing popularity of essential oils, it is very important that we know the right ways to use it. Only then, we can experience the actual benefit that they offer and avoid any risks associated.

5 Ways to Treat Toenail Fungus


Are you or those near and dear to you suffering from toenail fungus? Are you looking to get rid of this embarrassing and sometimes painful condition? If so, the Fungus Eliminator is the solution. Let’s learn more about toenail fungus infections.

What Is Toenail Fungus, and Can Oral Antifungal Drugs Help?

Toenail fungus, medically known as onychomycosis, is a relatively common infection of the toenails and fingernails. As toes are often warm, dark, and damp, fungus thrives there. The condition happens when the fungus infects your nails through cuts in the skin or cracks in the nail. Taking the Fungus Eliminator regularly will prevent you from getting an infection altogether.

Typically, onychomycosis starts as a yellow or white spot beneath the tip of your toenails. If left untreated, the infection grows deeper, causing discoloration and thickening, and may eventually lead to the crumbling of the nail from the tip. Let’s take a closer look at this condition and how we may be able to treat it.

Stages of Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis develops in three stages:

  • Stage one: White or yellow spots appear in the toenails over the plate. The nails still have gloss, and there’s no discomfort or pain.
  • Stage two: The spots/discoloration grows to cover the entire surface of the nail, and it loses its gloss. The nail begins to thicken and lose its shape and structure.
  • Stage three: The nail thickens, bends, and crumbles. It begins to shrink towards the nailbed. At this point, you’ll face discomfort and pain, and your feet may have a foul odor.

You need to seek medical attention once your toenails lose their gloss and are fully discolored. Fortunately, there are several professional and home treatments that you may use to treat this condition.

Who Suffers From Toenail Fungus

Anyone can get a toenail fungus infection. Some factors that may increase your risk of the disease include:

  • Age

The older you are, the weaker your immune system. Due to reduced blood flow, the slower your nails grow.

  • History

If you have suffered from an athlete’s foot before, you stand a higher chance of getting toenail fungus.

  • Sweat

People who tend to sweat more are at higher risk.

  • Conditions

Minor skin and nail abrasions, cuts, or skin conditions like psoriasis may cause an infection.

  • Weakened Immune System

Suffering from diabetes or having issues with blood circulation will put you at risk.

  • Environment

Walking barefoot in damp communal areas like swimming pools, gyms, and shower rooms may expose you to fungus.


These habits and practices prevent you from getting toenail fungus infections or a recurrence of the condition after treatment:

  • Regularly wash and dry your hands and feet and moisturize them if possible. Always clean up after touching an infected nail.
  • Keep your nails trimmed. Use a file to even out the thickened areas and smoothen the edges. Disinfect your clippers after use and store them in a clean, dry place.
  • Wear sweat-absorbing socks. Make sure you put on a fresh pair daily. If you can, change them throughout the day.
  • Wear comfortable shoes made of materials that breathe. If you’re recovering from an infection, discard old shoes or treat them with antifungal powders and disinfectants.
  • Wear flip-flops in pools, locker rooms, and other common areas.
  • Give up artificial nails, acrylics, gels, nail polish, and other similar applications when recovering from an infection. Let your nails rest and heal.

Five Ways to Treat Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungal infections can be notoriously difficult to cure and typically require antifungal treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, here are five effective ways to treat toenail fungal infections:

1. Oral Antifungal Drugs

Oral antifungal treatments such as the Fungus Eliminator by PureHealth Research are the quickest and most effective way to clear your infection. On average, treatments usually take between 6-12 weeks. You may see results as fast as five days, but it’s best to continue taking the drugs until your toenails have entirely healed. Sadly, some treatments may have side effects like rashes, and you may want to get tested before switching or starting a new treatment. Fortunately, Fungus Eliminator is made of 100% natural ingredients and has no side effects.

2. Medicated Nail Polish

Medicated nail polish is a type of nail lacquer commonly prescribed by doctors to treat nail fungal infections. The active ingredient in these products is ciclopirox, found in pharmacies and drugstores. Ciclopirox works by killing the fungus and preventing its spread.

Usually, you apply one layer of lacquer daily for seven days, and as it sets, it impacts the fungus and slowly restores your nail plate. After the seventh day, remove the polish using alcohol and repeat the process. Though this method is effective, it can take a long time, with some reporting results after ten months.

3. Topical Nail Creams

This treatment relates to antifungal creams that you apply to the infected areas of your feet or hands. Creams are very effective for those with absorbent skin and naturally thin nails as they can easily penetrate through the nail to reach the underlying fungus. The best time to apply these creams is at night. An easy hack for those with thicker nails is to thin them out with a file before applying the cream to increase its effectiveness.

4. Surgery

In severe cases, the infection may be out of control, and you may need surgical intervention. Surgery is usually only prescribed as a last resort and involves the nail’s removal. The toenails may be removed conventionally using regular surgical implements or laser surgery. The nail is partially or entirely removed, and medication is applied directly to the nail plate. The procedure can be painful and quite uncomfortable once complete.

5. Home Remedies

Lastly, you can always take the Fungus Eliminator with tried and tested home remedies used for generations to treat nail fungal infections. You can use homemade solutions like soaking your feet in vinegar, Listerine, garlic, ginger, tea tree oil, or other preparations with potent antifungal properties.

Final Word

Unfortunately, once infected, toenail fungal infections keep recurring even after treatment. Proper and constant foot care is the best way to avoid getting a toenail fungus infection or keep it at bay once cured.

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